We are writing to all Parish Councils to advise that the Borough Council is consulting on the Local Plan Review: Regulation 18 Draft Plan for a period of 8+ weeks from Wednesday 31 July 2024 until Friday 27 September 2024 (ending at 17:00).


The Local Plan is the key planning document for the Borough and it will guide future development in Hinckley and Bosworth, alongside neighbourhood plans, up to 2041. The Regulation 18 draft plan sets out a preferred strategy for housing and economic growth, and includes proposed housing and employment allocations, and a number of planning policies covering a range of issues such as conserving and enhancing the natural and historic environment and transport. The policies will be used to guide development and respond to economic, environmental and social issues within the Borough.


Firstly, we would like to make you aware that we are holding several in-person events at various locations around the borough. The locations and times of these events will be available very soon, and further communication on this will come nearer to the start date of the consultation, so please look out for the email, or check our website on Wednesday 31 July, where all details will be available.


Secondly, as part of the process the Borough Council would like to ensure that the consultation is publicised around the Borough. All Parish Council’s will shortly be receiving a ‘community pack’ that will contain the plan document, posters, comments forms etc. Libraries (and the Hinckley Hub) will also have copies of the plan and supporting documents in time for the start of the consultation.


Please ensure the ‘community packs’ are available to members of the Parish Council (and members of the public if you have a suitable public space for them to view them). If you require more posters to put up in your area please get in touch and we’d be happy to supply them.


The Local Plan document and all associated material, including how to submit comments, will be available on the following link on Wednesday 31 July 2024.




FYI Neighbourhood Plan groups have also been informed of the upcoming consultation.


If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Planning Policy Team, or email planningpolicy@hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk