Please see below the application pack for 2024 which contains all of the information you need to apply for grant funding from the Parish & Community Initiative Fund. Please note there has been a number of changes to the grant scheme this year which will limit and prioritise the type and size of schemes you can apply for. Please read the guidance notes carefully for details on these amendments and please note that we will require all necessary permissions to be in place before, we can consider an application. A grant fund for smaller items will be introduced in April 2024 and we will contact you separately with details on this scheme.
In order to reduce the amount of paper completed applications must be received as an email attachment by 12th January 2024 to be considered for funding next year. (Please note: the sooner you submit your application the longer we will have to assess it and contact you to ensure all necessary information is included before the deadline date). Please ensure that all the necessary supporting documents and agreements are also attached. It is hoped that the decision on awards will be made in April 2024, and grants must be claimed by the end of February 2025.
If you would like any further information, have any queries or require additional application forms, please see the contact details within the application pack: