
Following adoption in March 2019, the Neighbourhood Plan has supported the Parish Council & Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council in responding to planning applications ensuring any planning permission meets what the community said they wanted to see and support.

Sheepy Parish Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 19 StatementSheepy-Parish-Neighbourhood-Plan-Regulation-19-Statement.pdfFile size: [263.44 KB]


At the July 2020 Parish Council Meeting it was agreed to proceed with a refresh to the Neighbourhood Plan to ensure that it remains current and effective. The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group were asked to support the Parish Council with the following updates:

  • Align with legislative changes
  • Amendments to reflect changes taken place since the plan was made
  • Enhancement of content including: providing design guidance with the aim of improving the quality of future planning applications

This process has now been completed and the reviewed Sheepy Neighbourhood Plan was made in April/May 2022, the full documents can be found here:

For full information please visit the Sheepy Neighbourhood Plan website: